Rabu, 02 Desember 2020




• Amanda Putri (03)

• Audrey kaylanastiti (04)

• Nazwa noer (19)

• Sami aliyah (25)




Moderator : The number of students who do not have a sim to ride a motorbike to school is certainly not a strange thing. Yes, bringing a motorbike to school does have a positive impact, but on the other hand it has a negative impact. As is currently happening, several cases have occurred, because students bring motorbikes to school. WHO (World Health Organization) notes that 1 million people die every year worldwide due to accidents, where 40% of them are 25 years old and 60% are less than 25 years old, ranging in age from children and adolescents.


So, today we will discuss whether minors can ride motorbikes to school without a SIM? And are there any negative and positive impacts?


But before we start I will set out the rules for this discussion


1 I will give each a chance but when the pros are talking, the cons should not cut it and vice versa

In order not to extend the time anymore, let's start from the pro camp, namely Fery's brother to Fery, we welcome


Nazwa (pro): thank you Moderator, so I agree with students who bring motorbikes to school. By riding a motorbike to school for students, it will certainly have several positive impacts, including:

1. By bringing a motorbike to the school, students can save time on the trip because they don't have to wait for public transportation or public transportation with no clear departure or arrival, which will waste students' time, thus making students arrive late at school.


2. Bringing a motorbike to school can also save students pocket money, because the money does not need to be used to pay for public transportation.


3. By driving a motorbike to school, students will not be a bother for parents who have to take their children to school. Because not all parents are at home when their children want to leave school. Many parents are more concerned with their work so as not to be late, so that the child is not taken care of.


4. And also, by bringing their own motorbike to school, students will feel more comfortable and safe, compared to taking public transportation, because there are many other passengers who will disturb the comfort of students, such as passengers who smoke, passengers whose body odor or sweat causes feelings student comfort will be reduced, so students think they don't want to take public transportation anymore. thank you


Moderator : Well now we will listen to the words of the contra, namely Samii


Sami (contra): thank yo, Moderator I disagree with Nazwa and students who carry motorbikes without a SIM, because according to regulations for motor vehicle drivers who are underage / do not have a SIM, it is prohibited to ride a motorbike and for motorized vehicle drivers who If they do not have a driver's license, they will face a maximum imprisonment of 4 months or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000. And although it is forbidden to ride motorbikes, there are still many students who dare to bring their motorbikes to school. And also many negative impacts, namely:


1. Students who ride motorbikes to school may experience unwanted things, such as accidents

2. And when carrying out strict guard on several routes of travel. The police chief will detain those who do not obey traffic rules include students who are still minors.

3. Students who ride motorbikes too often, will feel bored, so take the initiative to find new things, such as establishing a gang of motorbikes.

4. Driving a motorbike is certainly a very fun thing for beginners, because riding a motorbike is something that is fun, it can reduce students' learning concentration because they think about the joy of driving.

5. In general, minors cannot control their emotions while on the road

According to police officers, traffic violations involving underage students have reached tens of thousands of cases. One of them does not have a SIM or driver's license.

It is unfortunate that the case of students bringing new motorbikes has become a concern after many negative impacts. All parties must unite & work together in cracking down on students who bring motorized vehicles considering that there are still many students who violate and the negative impacts caused. Thank you


Moderatorg: Now I am again giving the pro camp the opportunity to speak, namely Manda


Manda(pro): thank you, Moderator. I agree if a student brings a motorbike to school without bringing a driver's license, because it is natural. Because schoolchildren are predominantly underage and if they want to go to school with the motorbike to school, students can avoid the negative side of public transportation, namely if students take public transportation to school, it is certain that the angkot is sometimes not suitable to be boarded and it smells like public transportation. or the smell of sweat. And sometimes students also do not get proper seats so students take the angkot, the angkot is how students learn at school will be disturbed. As students will not concentrate on learning. So in my opinion, if for example students bring motorbikes to school, it is only natural because it can save time. And if minors cannot control their emotions, are there any data or theories that can be shown?


Moderator: Now I am again giving the opportunity to the contra camp, namely Audrey


Audrey (contra): thank you Moderatorr, I do not agree with Manda because by using public transportation or being delivered there is a possibility of accidents and when talking about the theory of children who cannot control their emotions, I have, according to Harlock, calling the adolescent period as a stress and stress period where emotional tension increases as a result of physical and glandular changes. The heightened emotions in adolescent boys and girls can occur as a result of social conditions as a reaction to the changes that occur in adolescents. That's a theory that explains children who have not been able to control their emotions, thank you


Moderatir: Well, that's our discussion today, the conclusion is that children who bring motorbikes under age have a positive and negative impact, but it's better for minors not to bring their motorbikes to school because there is no permit and can't control their emotions.

wasalamualaikum wr wb

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2020

Review Film "Nico's Weg"

"Nico's Weg"

Hello everyone my name is Audrey Kalyanastiti and now i want to review the movie "Nico's Weg".

The beginning of this film is that Nico is Spanish and he fled from Spain to Germany because he was forced to study there but Nico did not want to, and Nico had just arrived in Germany to meet his aunt. At the airport, he met a little girl and played balloons with her so she put her bag carelessly, accidentally a man took Nico's bag to the taxi.

Not only was Nico's bag missing, but important items such as his aunt's address, passport, and cellphone were lost in that bag, and Nico also lost track of that. But the little girl who was playing with him wanted to help Nico find his bag with his aunt named Lisa, because all the important items were in his bag so they were clueless and Lisa invited him to her friend's party and also stayed there temporarily and oh yes, luckily, Lisa's father is a policeman and also Nico keep a photo of his aunt so there is still hope to be found.

What I like about this film is that the language is easy to understand and the plot is also interesting. From this film we can also add new German vocabulary. This film is highly recommended.

Vielen Dank

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020



Entering the beginning of 1944, the position of Japan in the Pacific war increasingly desperate. U.S. Navy Adm. Nimitz led successfully occupy important positions such as Saipan Mariana Islands, and Guan Tidian providing opportunities for Allied direct attacks to the islands of Japan. Meanwhile, the U.S. Army, led by General Douglas Mac Arthur frog managed to jump through the stratagem Guinea
coast and build a headquarters in Hollandia (Jayapura). From Mac Arthur Holland is going to attack the Philippines to fulfill his promise. On the other side of the Allied naval forces based in Biak and Morotai successfully rained bombs on the center of Japan's military defense in Maluku, Sulawesi, Surabaya and Semarang. These conditions led to the fall of the center of Japan's defense and declining morale of the Japanese army. The strength of the Japanese army who originally offensive (attacking) turned into defensive (defensive). To the people of Indonesia, the Japanese military government still touting heralding (convincingly) that Japan will win the Pacific war.

Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

Short story


A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day. On the way they had to cross a stream. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy. 

Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day. The salt seller came to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag would be still become lighter. 

But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and it suffered much. It learnt a lesson. Afterwards it did not play the trick and the seller was happy. 

Senin, 07 Oktober 2019



The Taj Mahal is an enormous mausoleum complex commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the remains of his beloved wife. Constructed over a 20-year period on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, India, the famed complex is one of the most outstanding examples of Mughal architecture, which combined Indian, Persian and Islamic influences. At its center is the Taj Mahal itself, built of shimmering white marble that seems to change color depending on the daylight. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983, it remains one of the world’s most celebrated structures and a stunning symbol of India’s rich history.

Interior decoration

The interior chamber of the Taj Mahal steps far beyond traditional decorative elements. Here, the inlay work is not pietra dura, but a lapidary of precious and semiprecious gemstones. The inner chamber is an octagon with the design allowing for entry from each face, although only the door facing the garden to the south is used.

The interior walls are about 25 metres (82 ft) high and are topped by a "false" interior dome decorated with a sun motif. Eight pishtaq arches define the space at ground level and, as with the exterior, each lower pishtaq is crowned by a second pishtaq about midway up the wall. The four central upper arches form balconies or viewing areas, and each balcony's exterior window has an intricate screen or jali cut from marble. In addition to the light from the balcony screens, light enters through roof openings covered by chattris at the corners. Each chamber wall has been highly decorated with dado bas-relief, intricate lapidary inlay and refined calligraphy panels, reflecting in miniature detail the design elements seen throughout the exterior of the complex.

The octagonal marble screen or jali which borders the cenotaphs is made from eight marble panels which have been carved through with intricate pierce work. The remaining surfaces have been inlaid in extremely delicate detail with semi-precious stones forming twining vines, fruits and flowers.
Muslim tradition forbids elaborate decoration of graves. Hence, the bodies of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan were put in a relatively plain crypt beneath the inner chamber with their faces turned right and towards Mecca. Mumtaz Mahal's cenotaph is placed at the precise center of the inner chamber on a rectangular marble base of 1.5 metres
 by 2.5 metres